For 93 years, the Illinois Trucking Association has been a powerful voice for the trucking industry representing our members and our industry in Springfield and in Washington, DC.
ITA’s team of lobbyists are constantly working with elected officials and regulators to promote and protect the interests of the trucking industry.
Please see below for the latest in State and Federal trucking legislation.

The Illinois General Assembly passed a Capital Bill that will significantly have an impact on the trucking industry, most notable is the repeal of the Commercial Distribution Fee on trucks which will actually reduce fees on large trucks over time.
Thanks to the work of the Illinois Trucking Association, license fees on large trucks will actually be going down. ITA would like to thank Governor JB Pritzker and Legislative Leaders in the House and Senate for working with the ITA to reduce license plate fees on trucking.
The Illinois Trucking Association has been fighting to repeal the CDF since it was imposed during the Rod Blagojevich administration in 2004. The fee, a hidden 14.35% sales tax on truck license plates, has cost the trucking industry nearly $1 billion and ITA is pleased to report that we led a coalition of businesses and organization who were successful in repealing the CDF. The CDF Repeal will ultimately save large truck owners millions of dollars.
Along with the CDF, the legislature approved changes to the motor fuel tax and license plate fees, however these increases are now Constitutionally protected for transportation thanks to the Lock Box Amendment that was passed in 2016. In fact, all of the new revenue sources approved in the Capital Bill are protected by the Lock Box Amendment. Please see below for more details on the Capital Bill.
Truck License Plates & CDF
ITA fought to keep truck license plate fees to a minimum while also repealing the Commercial Distribution Fee. The CDF is repealed effective July 1, 2020. Following a flat $100 per truck increase to registration fees for vehicles over 8,000-pounds, truck owners can expect to see a net decrease in their license plate fees for base plates in the summer of 2020 because of the CDF Repeal. You can expect to see a decrease in IRP fees in Spring 2021 because of the CDF Repeal.
For an 80,000-pound license plate, the fee today is $3,190: $2,790 for the license plate and $400 for the CDF which is swept into the General Revenue Fund.
For semi-trucks, beginning in July 2020, an 80,000-pound plate will cost $2,890, all of which will now be going to the Secretary of State and ultimately into the road fund.
Nationwide, Illinois will go from having the 5th highest truck license plate in the country to having the 9th highest fee.
Diesel Fuel Tax
The Capital Bill does increase diesel fuel taxes in Illinois as of July 1, 2019. The current motor fuel tax rate on diesel fuel is 21.5 cents per gallon, plus sales tax. On July 1, the diesel fuel tax rate increases to 45.5 cents per gallon, an increase of 24 cents per gallon. Thanks to the Lock Box Amendment passed in 2016, all of the state's motor fuel taxes must be used for transportation so there is no opportunity for lawmakers to sweep the road fund for general revenue purposes.
In addition, the Capital Bill will gradually end the practice of collecting sales tax on motor fuel for non-transportation purposes. From 2021 to 2026, the sales tax on fuel, which previously went into the General Revenue Fund, will be gradually paid into the Road Fund.
While the increase in motor fuel tax is significant, the new revenue will be reinvested into the state's highways and bridges which are in desperate need of repair and expansion. Nationally, the new diesel tax rate takes us from having the 10th highest fuel tax back to having the 3rd highest. The number three spot is exactly where Illinois was in 2013 before other states began to raise their fuel taxes.
ITA would like to thank all of our members who reached out to their State Representative and State Senator to ensure that the CDF Repeal stayed in the Capital Bill. ITA is proud to fight for the trucking industry each year during the Illinois Legislative Session.
Capital Bill Impacts on Trucking
Move Over Law for All Vehicles
Illinois currently has a Move Over Law (Scott’s Law) that requires motorists to reduce their speed or to move over when there is a police car or a construction worker on the shoulder of the road.  However current law does not offer this same protection to a truck driver, a service vehicle, or even a passenger car that is disabled on the shoulder of the highway.  HB 6006 will require motorists to slow down and/or move over for all disabled vehicles on the shoulder of the highway.
For decades, trucking regulations have been largely governed on a federal level to avoid a patchwork of inconsistent laws on the industry. Â Due to recent attempts by states to preempt federal law and to create their own laws governing interstate trucking, the ITA has partnered with the ATA and our State Trucking Association affiliates to further define the existing laws on federal preemption and to prohibit states from making up their own rules to govern interstate trucking.
TIPAC is the political action committee of the Illinois Trucking Association. Â With the support of ITA members, the association is able to maintain a powerful voice in the Illinois General Assembly.
Our legislative team diligently keeps the trucking industry’s best interest at the forefront. That is why is it imperative that ITA has the resources it needs to support candidates that, in turn, understand and support the association.
The TIPAC Committee is a vital network of ITA supporters who donate their time and dollars to support the association so it can succeed at every level of government. Â The donations are used to support our advocacy efforts through TIPAC. Â Your commitment to ITA is essential to our success.

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